Set against a backdrop of worldwide protests and political intrigue, this is the first feature documentary film on Iceland's whaling industry to reveal the nation's defiant and illegal participation in commercial whale harvesting. Iceland, Japan, and Norway are the only countries in the world to continue this archaic practice. And of the three, Iceland is the only country to hunt the endangered Finback whale. Iceland’s politicians, scientists, and businessmen – believing migratory mammals are their resource to exploit – ignore international law and continue their hunts. Their intent: set their own killing quotas each hunting season to continue their slaughter and gain minuscule profits. Played out against Icelandic nationalism on one hand, and the recent explosion of international whale watching tourism on the other, BREACH reveals the contradictions and unethical decisions that allow Iceland to continue hunting the world's largest mammals. A Side Door Productions production
in association with August Road Entertainment Kevin Carvell Company Viceroy Films |
Director & Producer Producer Executive Producer Executive Producer Edited by Director of Photography |
Billy Baldwin
Jonny Zwick Kevin Carvell Michael Rosen Ramin Fathie Suzanne Mejean Jonny Zwick |